“SWATIRTHA CHARITABLE TRUST” felt the necessity of ideal teachers for providing effective education among the communities. All educated person may not be good teachers but all good teachers must be educated – of course with teacher-education. In the elementary level of Education, the teachers should be trained in innovative methodologies for effective learning of the learners.
SWATIRTHA CHARITABLE TRUST”, being inspired by the enthusiastic thought, established ‘NS B.Ed College’ in the year 2015 & ‘NS teachers Training College’ in the Year 2016 that offers Two years Full-Time Degree and Diploma in Education Course. There are sufficient scopes for practice teaching acquisition of basic concept of education, child psychology, Evaluation on teaching and learning process. In a word, this course is adequately structured to make competent teaching professionals
Website – https://nsttcollege.com/
Phone: +91-9434941310
Email: nsttc2016@gmail.com